10 Video Games You Didn't Know Had Multiplayer

7. Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening

GTA San Andreas

Though the Nintendo Switch version of Devil May Cry 3 features local co-op functionality in its Bloody Palace mode - where players can team up as Dante and Vergil - did you know that the game's original release also included two sneaky two-player modes?

While the game makes no mention of it, activating Doppelganger style during combat allows a second player to press start on the second controller and command the Dante doppelganger for the duration of the attack.

Though the move drains your Devil Trigger bar, if you're man enough to complete the game on ultra-tough Dante Must Die difficulty, you'll be able to activate unlimited Devil Trigger and effectively play the bulk of the game co-operatively. Nifty.

Also, for the second half of the boss battle against Arkham in the game's penultimate level, Vergil will join the party as an A.I. comrade, though a second player can also take control of him.

In both cases you're constrained by a single camera as in San Andreas, but it's still an incredibly neat feature - and one Capcom probably should've drawn more attention to.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.