10 Video Games You Didn't Realise Just Got Cancelled

1. The Last Of Us Multiplayer

the last of us factions
Naughty Dog

Though The Last of Us Part II was originally set to feature a multiplayer component, developer Naughty Dog eventually decided to focus on shipping the single-player game, and ultimately revealed that the multiplayer mode would be its own standalone retail release.

In June 2022, Jeff Grubb suggested the game would be delayed due to its increasing scope, and this past May, Bloomberg's Jason Schreier reported that Sony was currently evaluating its "quality and long-term viability," while scaling development back and moving most team members onto other projects.

Though Schreier did add that the game isn't formally cancelled at present, he noted that Sony had it internally evaluated by Destiny developer Bungie, who questioned its ability to retain players long-term - a major red flag for a game believed to operate under a live-service model.

Between all this and Naughty Dog issuing a statement that they're also currently working on a new single-player title - rumoured to be The Last of Us Part III - there's been much speculation that the game has been quietly cancelled.

After all, it's easy to believe that the title will otherwise become vaporware as its priority declines, while other, more promising games transition into full production.

Never say never, especially where a developer as reliable as Naughty Dog is concerned, but it's not looking good.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.