10 Video Games You Had No Idea Were Sequels

6. Project Snowblind Is A Sequel To Deus Ex

Days Gone Syphon Filter

Don't feel bad if you've never even heard of Crystal Dynamics' 2005 FPS Project Snowblind, which despite receiving mostly positive reviews came and went in an absolute blip.

Originally, however, Project Snowblind was intended to be the third entry into the Deus Ex franchise under the moniker Deus Ex: Clan Wars, with Deus Ex developer Ion Storm supervising Crystal Dynamics' work on the game.

During development, some allege due to the poor commercial reception of Deus Ex sequel Invisible War, the game was rebranded as an original sci-fi action title and dropped the Deus Ex relation altogether. Well, mostly.

While Project Snowblind lacked Deus Ex's stealth and RPG mechanics, it did still take place in a future dystopia centered around nanotech augmentations, all of this very much within Deus Ex's wheelhouse.

Though changes were made to give everyone involved plausible deniability about it existing in the same world, you don't need to squint much to see Project Snowblind as a not-so-sly sequel to the original Deus Ex, taking place barely a decade in the future as it does.

Some fans even maintain to this day that, despite its gameplay changes, it's still more of a Deus Ex sequel than Invisible War ever was.

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Days Gone
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.