10 Video Games You Had No Idea Were Sequels

5. Demon's Souls Is A Sequel To King's Field

Days Gone Syphon Filter

You'd certainly be forgiven for assuming that FromSoftware's Souls series began with 2009's Demon's Souls, but that's not strictly the case - its DNA emerged much earlier than that.

The series really began way back in 1994 with the company's very first game, King's Field, a first-person RPG series which wrapped up with King's Field IV in 2001.

Though the series wasn't nearly as acclaimed as the later Souls games, King's Field was very clearly Souls' spiritual forebear, touting a similar medieval aesthetic and tough-as-nails difficulty.

More to the point, a number of enemies, items, and locations from the King's Field series are later namedropped throughout the Souls games, such as the dragon Seath and the Moonlight Greatsword, to name just two.

Given FromSoftware's soupy, ambiguous world-building throughout the Souls franchise, it's incredibly easy to view King's Field as more than a mere spiritual predecessor to Demon's Souls and something more intimately linked.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.