10 Video Games You Had No Idea Were Sequels

3. Gone Home Is A Sequel To BioShock 2: Minerva's Den

Days Gone Syphon Filter
The Fullbright Company/Majesco Entertainment/Annapurna Interactive

Gone Home is such a small, seemingly self-contained experience that it doesn't really seem like it could be much of a sequel to anything, but it in fact has a most curious tie to BioShock 2's DLC released three years earlier, Minerva's Den.

Crucially, Minerva's Den was co-developed by three people who would eventually form Fullbright, the team behind Gone Home. In Minerva's Den, there's a playable video game called Spitfire - an Asteroids-esque arcade shooter that's believed to be the first game ever made.

And in Gone Home, players can come across a SNES cartridge for Super Spitfire, an apparent follow-up. Better still, Super Spitfire is published by a company called CMP Interactive, and CMP are the initials of Minerva's Den's protagonist, Charles Milton Porter.

With Minerva's Den being set in 1968 and Gone Home in 1995, there's certainly plenty of time for Porter to start a company and develop the sequel, so its fits perfectly.

Fullbright co-founder Steve Gaynor said that he very intentionally wanted to indicate that Gone Home follows the events of Minerva's Den, yet "in a totally non-[litigious] way." Clever.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.