10 Video Games You Had No Idea Were Sequels

2. Days Gone Is A Sequel To Syphon Filter

Days Gone Syphon Filter

Despite its commercial success, Days Gone won't be getting a sequel, reportedly due to Sony's disappointment over its critical reception and their lack of belief in Bend Studio's ability to produce a superior follow-up.

And yet, the big twist is that Days Gone is itself a stealthy sequel to the very PlayStation IP that put Bend on the map almost 25 years ago - Syphon Filter.

Though unfavourably compared to Metal Gear Solid upon release in 1999, the stealth-action game was nevertheless roundly praised by critics, with the plot focused around special agent Gabe Logan attempting to stop the titular bioweapon from being released.

And lo and behold, players soon discovered that Days Gone actually contains a number of Easter eggs suggesting that it's a direct continuation of the Syphon Filter series.

For one, Days Gone's NERO soldiers look like an evolution of Syphon Filter's CBDC operatives, and Gabe Logan is mentioned in a number of lab files as are other characters and events from that series.

But the smoking gun? Players who beat the game will unlock a taser weapon with allows them to set the Freakers on fire, a weapon which quite famously appeared in Syphon Filter first. Better still, if you examine the taser in Days Gone, it's marked with the initials "GL" - Gabe Logan.

Players are left to figure out the particulars for themselves - especially with Gabe's apparent death at the end of 2007's Logan's Shadow - but considering that Days Gone's Freaker Virus was developed in a lab, it mostly seems to fit together pretty neatly.

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Days Gone
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.