10 Video Games You Need To Play BLIND
5. Bugsnax
Bugsnax had a rather unassuming arrival back in November 2020 as a PS5 launch title, and though the marketing implied this adorable adventure game to be a pretty undemanding, low-calorie affair, developers Young Horses (Octodad: Dadliest Catch) ultimately had other ideas.
To call Bugsnax a massively surprising game is quite the epic understatement, because there's far more going on here than its cute veneer would have you think.
And even if the colourful art style and collectathon gameplay loop don't appear to be your jam, rest assured that it belies what Bugsnax is really about, and that's as much as should probably be said about it.
Yes we're being coy here, but isn't that the entire point of this article? Bugsnax has such interesting and daringly unexpected sights in store for the player that to even hint at what they might be would do the whole experience a huge disservice.
You'll thank yourself later for playing it this way.