10 Video Games You Should Play On Hard Mode
9. God Of War

Few games come with a menu screen warning akin to “Abandon all hope, ye who enter here” attached to their highest difficulty, but God Of War is one of those.
2018’s God Of War’s ‘Give Me God Of War’ difficulty lets players know from the outset that they’re in for a hard time, and that the difficulty cannot be changed mid playthrough, meaning you’ll have to start all over again if you find it’s more than you can manage. But for seasoned fans craving a challenge, this mode should be just the ticket.
Not only do enemies take less and deal more damage in this mode, but many turn into Elites after a couple hits - a higher level nasty that fills you with either anticipation or dread.
Status effects also have a significantly higher impact on Kratos, meaning that in certain areas or when facing certain enemies, for example those that inflict poison, the player will have to adapt entirely new strategies compared to the lower difficulties.
Considering the series’ hack and slash roots, this step up in difficulty provides a classic way to spend more time with your favourite game, and the developers thankfully understood the system changes needed to make it ever more engaging. Just remember to blame them, and not us, when you come up against the Valkyrie Queen.