10 Video Games You Should Play On Hard Mode


Fallout 4 character

Few reboots of beloved series have been so well received as 2016’s Doom, arguably the goriest first-person shooter to end all first person shooters.

While the core gameplay content isn’t particularly hard (no matter how certain industry reviews prior to release might have made it seem), Doom thankfully comes equipped with a variety of difficulty levels to make your time spent as Doomguy positively monstrous.

Most difficult of these is ‘Ultra-Nightmare’. This mode amps up enemy AI to maximum aggression, meaning they are even more up in your face and trying to rip it off than normal.

To add to this, Ultra-Nightmare also introduces permadeath - so while the restricted ability to save only at the end of each level means that you can at least turn the game off between sections, if you die, there’s still no coming back except to the starting screen.

For fans looking for a more challenging experience than the typical and admittedly hugely fun loop of bouncing around mowing down enemies, Ultra-Nightmare will certainly add a little more spice to your playthrough.

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Fallout 4
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Writer, gamer, and enjoyer of all things visual. Makes jokes more reliably than headshots.