10 Video Games You Won't Believe Share The Same Universe

3. Witcher And Cyberpunk 2077

Just Cause/Sleeping Dogs
CD Projekt Red

Bioware isn't the only company that likes to blend its sci-fi and fantasy titles together. CD Projekt Red has a similar connection made between the universe of its Witcher games and Cyberpunk 2077.

In Witcher 3, Geralt and Ciri can share a conversation about her travels through different worlds while she and Avallac'h tried to escape from Eredin. If Gerlat asks her about the weirdest world she has visited, Ciri will describe a world where people had metal parts in their heads, traveled in metal wagons without horses, and fought from a distance using weapons similar to the Witcher's megascopes. While this description, save for the first part, could probably fit into most modern settings, this isn't the only reference to Ciri's adventures in Night City.

When playing Cyberpunk 2077, you can actually come across a unique model in the game, which fans have speculated could be Ciri in a different form. At some point in the story, V is visited by a swallow, which doesn't really make sense as all birds in Night City have been canonically exterminated by the government. The bird's species is no coincidence, as Ciri's elven name is Zireael, which translates to swallow in human.


Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.