10 Video Games You’ll Never 100%

2. Street Fighter IV

Street Fighter needs no introduction. If you€™ve been a gamer at any point during the last 20 years, you know it well. You€™ve likely been more frustrated with the Street Fighter franchise than with almost any other game you€™ve played, and rightly so. It€™s popular amongst hardcore beat-€˜em-up fans because of its surprisingly deep, complex yet subtle mechanics, and for the same reason it€™s almost impossible for the more casual player to even consider attempting a 100% completion stat. Why You€™ll Never 100% It: Just take one of the €˜simpler€™ achievements in Street Fighter IV, Save Your Quarters, earned for clearing arcade mode without losing on medium difficulty. That doesn€™t seem too unattainable right? It€™s only medium. Medium on Street Fighter IV is probably about as hard as the hardest difficulty setting on a normal game. And attaining 100% only gets more difficult from there. As soon as you start heading online, where the hardcore fans live, if you haven€™t studied to art of playing Street Fighter in depth, learned how to cancel animations and gotten comfortable performing your supers etc, you€™re toast. Basically, both offline and online, Street Fighter IV will either chew you up and spit you back out, or consume you€™re every waking thought for at least a year. 100% completion here is reserved only for the most dedicated beat-€˜em-up specialist. Which chances are is not you.

Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.