10 Video Games You’ll Never 100%

1. World of Warcraft

For a completionist, or anyone with an otherwise slightly OCD compulsion to 100% the games that they buy, playing World of Warcraft is akin to falling into an infinite black and white spiral for all of eternity. One of the largest gaming worlds known to man, people can and literally do forget their real lives to it and 100%€™ing it € well I€™m not even sure that€™s possible. Why You€™ll Never 100% It: Is there even a €˜100 %€™ in WoW? Could it be possible to attain? How would you measure it, or define it? Attaining all achievements? That alone could take a lifetime and each time the next expansion was released, you'd be right back to the grindstone. Not only could rising to top level take you into the months, professions will add god knows how long on top of that, dungeons take time, raids, gearscore, PvP € it€™s a dizzying, never-ending roster of activities that each take about as long as the entire length of a really long single-player campaign. If you even believe for a second that you can €˜complete€™ WoW, you€™re insane and what you€™re thinking is madness. You€™re opening a Pandora€™s Box of a task, that€™ll likely consume you until the day you die of malnutrition or the day Blizzard are forced to shut their servers down after its proven that they€™ve somehow managed to harness, digitise and administer the addictiveness of heroin through an internet connection. So there are just ten of the games that you€™ll probably never 100%, not through lack of skill, but through lack of a fair chance. Any we missed out in our list? Do let us know.

Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.