10 Video Games The Fans Saved From Their Own Developers

2. Players Keep Halo 2's Multiplayer Alive Long After The Shutdown Date

It€™s always a shame when a beloved multiplayer console game shuts down. The lack of tools PC gamers enjoy means that the title is usually lost to time. That is unless a dedicated group of gamers steps in. Bungie was ready to abandon Halo 2, but a group of dedicated fans decided to leave their connections open at the time of shutdown and keep playing. Hardware failures and fatigue eventually whittled the numbers down to 14 gamers (known at the Noble 14) who a month after the shutdown kept playing. In the end, only one player (Apache N4SIR) was left to wander Halo 2€™s multiplayer world all alone before being forcefully booted.
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An entertainment enthusiast living in Brooklyn, trying to make his way by slinging words at blank pages.