10 Videogame Holiday Destinations You Should Avoid

6. Banoi - Dead Island

Now this is paradise. An idyllic tropical island just off the coast of Papa New Guinea, Banoi is home to a huge hotel resort covering almost the entire island. With plenty to see and do, from hiking to watersports to getting drunk and making a fool of yourself at pool parties, you€™re unlikely to get bored here. There is one slight problem though. Much of the population have fallen victim to a rapid, contagious infection that turns holiday-makers into zombie-like creatures, while small pockets of survivors take shelter around the island awaiting help. Now, if you€™re lucky enough to survive the flesh-eating hoard in snazzy shorts, you would expect your main priority would be signalling help from the outside world. Guess again. Instead you€™ll be treated like the camp errand boy while others cower in the corner licking their wounds, scared to venture outside. Could you go and see if some woman€™s husband is okay...at their villa...on the other side of the island? Can you go and find an able-bodied, uninjured man some food because he€™s too lazy to do it himself? Bugger right off. And don€™t go expecting you€™ll be supplied with a gun or anything too useful. Oh no, you€™ll have to fashion your own makeshift weapons from bits of old wood - weapons that are more than ineffective, weapons that€™ll break after a couple of swings around the head of a zombie. Well, isn€™t this great. Paradise can sod off.
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Rob has been an entertainment writer and blogger since 2008. He plies his trade an the Online Producer for Virgin Media Shorts and writes for TheShiznit.co.uk, Virgin Movies and Games. In the past he's written for Sky Atlantic, Sky 1 and the now-closed DVD & Blu-ray Review magazine. He and can boast ownership of a one-of-a-kind Muppet called Haynes.