10 Videogame Holiday Destinations You Should Avoid

2. St. Mystere - Professor Layton & The Curious Village

We€™ve got no idea where this quaint little town is, so just getting there could be troublesome. Perhaps it€™s in France maybe? It does sound French. But everyone speak English. Who the hell knows? One thing€™s for certain though; if you don€™t care for puzzles, brainteasers and number problems, you won€™t enjoy your stay in St. Mystere. The local€™s bloody love a puzzle; obsessed, the lot of them. For unbeknownst tourists, this puzzle love-in the townspeople have can be very frustrating at times. You can€™t ask anyone for help without having a brainteaser thrust in your face. Just getting directions to your hotel or to a nearby restaurant can become quite the tiresome chore. Don€™t visit if you€™re in a hurry. And don€™t bring money with you either. St. Mystere has their own currency called Picarats, and there isn€™t a Bereau De Change around for miles. Luckily the townspeople are very clumsy and are forever dropping money all over the place, so you€™re rarely going to go short. There are some strange goings-on here though, like odd noises in the middle of the night emanating from the mysterious tower at the edge of town. And if you bump into a well-spoken Sherlock Holmes-looking chap and his smart-mouth Cockney child side-kick in a school uniform, best leave them be, they€™ve got a job to do. Plus you don€™t want to get caught up with a grown man who hangs around with a pre-pubescent boy who€™s clearly not his son.
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Rob has been an entertainment writer and blogger since 2008. He plies his trade an the Online Producer for Virgin Media Shorts and writes for TheShiznit.co.uk, Virgin Movies and Games. In the past he's written for Sky Atlantic, Sky 1 and the now-closed DVD & Blu-ray Review magazine. He and can boast ownership of a one-of-a-kind Muppet called Haynes.