10 Wars We Want To See In Future Call Of Duty Games

1. Taiping Rebellion

taipingDate: 1851-1864 Location: South China Belligerents: Qing Dynasty Vs Taiping Heavenly Kingdom You can't have a list of potential war games without mentioning arguably one of the biggest Religious wars of the 1800s and who would have thought a war this big could have incorporated Buddhists and Confucians? Yes the Qing Dynasty were involved in this one too and despite this war being around 2 years shorter than the Muslim Rebellion, the casualty toll was in fact double (estimated 25 million). The Rebellion was led by Christian Hong Xiuquan, who ran the somewhat ironically titled group "the Heavenly Kingdom of Great Peace" into a very un-heavenly and un-peaceful war. Again great narrative potential and because a good chunk of the battles were fought on water, this could give a lot of creative leeway for interesting game play set ups. Like this article? Agree or disagree? Let us know in the comments section below.
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Filmmaker, cinephile, gamer, boxing lover (spectator) and all around contrarian. Currently researching for the Game and Technology company Hitari and Film Collective Black Country Cinema.