10 Wars We Want To See In Future Call Of Duty Games

4. Korean Civil War

korean-war_girlwith-babyDate: 25 June 1950 €“ 27 July 1953 Location: Korean Peninsula Belligerents: North Korean (Plus Allies) Vs South Korean (Plus Allies) One of the few Civil wars that even to this day was never resolved, which means a generational game saga could easily be produced out of this concept. Also with all the recent buzz about North Korea possibly invading the South, it could be a whole new look at the "modern warfare" idea. Shifting from the 1950's to the present conflicts, along with the technological advancements over time, for any creative mind alike this war oozes with potential.
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Filmmaker, cinephile, gamer, boxing lover (spectator) and all around contrarian. Currently researching for the Game and Technology company Hitari and Film Collective Black Country Cinema.