10 Wars We Want To See In Future Call Of Duty Games

5. Russian Civil War

RUSSIAN CIVILDate: 7 November 1917 €“ October 1922 Location: Russia Belligerents: Soviet Russia Vs White Movement If history has taught us one thing, if you want a guaranteed high death toll war, then put communists and anti-communists together and you will get just that. The Russian Civil war was the archetypal pro/anti communism battle, which is considered by most historians as one of the most deadliness wars of all time. With credentials like this developers would have to seriously mess up to make this game anything but exhilarating. The Battles during the Russian civil war had reputations for being chaotic and almost nihilistic. Making the game play calibre for this war out of this world.
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Filmmaker, cinephile, gamer, boxing lover (spectator) and all around contrarian. Currently researching for the Game and Technology company Hitari and Film Collective Black Country Cinema.