10 Ways Bioware Can Still Save Mass Effect

1. Release Multiplayer Separately

Mass Effect multiplayer

If there's one key thing that just never sat right with Mass Effect's evolution over the years, it was this bizarre push towards 'establishing it' as a multiplayer game. Now, quality of the combat aside, multiplayer deathmatches and class-based clashes have no place in a game predicated on narrative weight and world-building - quite literally zero.

Andromeda had the closest to a cool idea here as you could send operatives away on missions and then play the results (booting you into a multiplayer match in the process), but it's always been a distraction, and nothing more in the grand scheme of things.

Going forward, if EA still want this box ticked, siphon off the Mass Effect multiplayer altogether.

Release it separately on another disc, or hell, make it free to play. The 'mystery box' setup of unlocks plays directly into a F2P model, and all those people dying to play third-person space combat can get their fill, allowing a dedicated story-focused team to build a Mass Effect worthy of the name.

No matter how solid the end product, multiplayer in Mass Effect will always feel like an afterthought - as it did back in Mass Effect 3. Remedying this immediately would go a long way into showing the fans that Bioware know where their priorities should lie.


What would you do to save Mass Effect? Let us know in the comments!


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