10 Ways Destiny Can Improve Right Now

2. Ranked Crucible Play

The demand for ranked online play is ever-growing, thanks to the thriving competitive gaming scene. Destiny's Crucible might be slightly unbalanced (damn those fusion rifles!) but it continues to be an engaging, exciting and enjoyable experience. Currently, the only way to judge a player's skill in the Crucible is their Light Level and even then, a Level 32 player may never have set foot in the Crucible. PvP thrives on competition and superiority, and Destiny is no different. Players who regularly top the scoreboards are undoubtedly looking for ways to show off their skills: ranked play is the perfect answer to this. Ranked playlists were an important feature of the Halo series too, so it's not like Bungie don't have experience in this area. Titanfall added a ranking system after launch and it's one of the more interesting examples around. It encourages players to complete objectives and goals, rather than just hoard kills and play lone wolf. A system that increases teamwork levels and encourages Guardians to play co-operatively would definitely be of interest to Bungie. Players who progress through the ranks could unlock unique shaders and vanity items, allowing them to show off their hardwork with their gear, giving gamers a reason to stick with the game and better themselves, rather than play for a short period of time every now and then. As stated earlier, the competitive scene is thriving. Destiny is a unique, interesting multiplayer game which deserves to be watched and talked about; ranked play is a great way of encouraging players to get more involved in the competitive side.
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I have an addiction to achievements, a craving for new bands and a dream to become Captain America. I once finished second in a Mario Kart 7 tournament so I'm kind of a big deal.