10 Ways Destiny Can Improve Right Now

1. Looking For Group Integration

Destiny's biggest problem by far is a lack of matchmaking options: aside from Strike or Crucible playlists, players cannot use matchmaking to connect to random people and if they want to participate in raids, weekly strikes or random activities, they have to find their own groups. Bungie's intention with this is clear: players have to go out and join the community if they want to see everything Destiny has to offer. However, despite those good intentions, in practice, it excludes certain players from end-game content; if a player doesn't know five people who are dedicated Destiny players, they will never get to enter a raid, for example. As a result, fan sites like DestinyLFG have sprung up, offering a way for Destiny players to create or join groups to complete content. A quick flick through shows hundreds of Guardians wanting to connect with other players immediately - why aren't Bungie implementing their own system for this? Perhaps they want to keep the gear that drops from raids exclusive and valuable; opening up matchmaking or a LFG service would undermine that. Okay, fair point, but why not just keep the Hard Mode version of raids exclusive to pre-made groups only? If Bungie are afraid that matchmade groups will be unable to complete the challenging content, that's a fair concern too. However, with most players over-equipped for the Vault Of Glass raid nowadays, there's a bit more leeway in completing the activity; experienced players have the gear to carry the first-timers. Whatever Bungie's reasoning, Destiny has evolved to the point where it can handle a LFG system. Undoubtedly, one will be implemented at some point during the game's life but the sooner the better. Raids and high-end strikes hide some of the game's most interesting content; the best way Bungie can improve Destiny right now is to open them up to the community at large. Agree? Disagree? Are there any other quick, easy fixes which Bungie can make to improve Destiny? Let us know in the comments below.
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I have an addiction to achievements, a craving for new bands and a dream to become Captain America. I once finished second in a Mario Kart 7 tournament so I'm kind of a big deal.