Destiny is designed to be played with friends; missions, strikes and raids are all playable in groups and for the harder challenges, communication and co-operation are a must. Players who enjoy being a lone wolf and causing trouble need to get used to the Crucible or rethink their lack of teamwork. Clans have been in Destiny from launch but players have to go to Bungie's website to create, manage or join one - why? The game actively encourages clan play for the harder difficulty strikes and raids, yet fails to fully integrate the system within the game. There's not even a feature that shows who is online from a player's clan; sure, the Friends list works if a clan mate is a friend, but for larger clans where everybody might not be acquainted, this is a real issue. Bungie reportedly didn't implement matchmaking in many activities to encourage players to build connections, create groups and conquer content together. That's all fine and dandy but a clan system which is more readily available within the game is a must if that sort of community is going to thrive. Plus, clans could be a way to encourage players into the game time and time again. Rewarding players who complete activities in a clan group would be a good start and offering exclusive items (even vanity items like shaders) to players who constantly help clan mates and form groups would be a neat way to build a connected community. Right now, the clan system is utterly irrelevant; it doesn't connect people and it just gives them a clan tag beneath their name. With a few small tweaks, Bungie can bring this system to the fore and help encourage players to build new relationships and keep playing.
I have an addiction to achievements, a craving for new bands and a dream to become Captain America. I once finished second in a Mario Kart 7 tournament so I'm kind of a big deal.