10 Ways Diablo 4 Is Insulting Players

1. The Dreaded Balance Patch

Diablo 4

Blizzard have mixed and matched certain traits from two of their most beloved franchises - World of Warcraft and Diablo - over the years. Warcraft, for instance, has acquired Diablo's loot system. Diablo, meanwhile, has now received the honours of Warcraft's least popular feature: balance patches.

Officially, balance patches are a meant to be an essential aspect of the game that helps to ensure fair, (preferably) entertaining gameplay. Unsurprisingly, balancing a game as vast and complex as Diablo IV is no easy feat. It involves adjusting a near endless array of gameplay elements from character classes to skills to items, as well as enemy encounters, to maintain a harmonised gaming experience.

For players, frustrations have largely stemmed from the changing power levels disrupting their flow of gameplay. From established strategies to builds gamers have become accustomed to. As is customary with RPGs, players often spend extensive amounts of time on mastering certain aspects and skills within the game, only to have their accomplishments nerfed by balance patches that seemingly favour different playstyles and characters.

Blizzard themselves have since admitted to the balance patches for Diablo IV being a poor decision, and are currently in the process of forming solutions. At this point, though, the cycle of Blizzard unveiling an unpopular patch, correcting it, and then revealing a similarly unpopular new one a few months down the track is infuriatingly commonplace.

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