10 Ways Diablo 4 Is Insulting Players

2. Disconnection From Lore

Diablo 4

A major criticism that has been levied against the Lilith-focused epic is its general disconnection from the rich lore established over the past 20 years.

Previous Diablo games and novels have garnered immense acclaim for their intricate, engrossing storytelling and world-building. The rich mythology and multitude of colourful characters succeeded admirably in hooking players, leading to the series boasting one of the most dedicated fanbases in gaming history.

While Diablo IV's core plot is entertaining and action-packed, it is oddly straightforward in comparison to its predecessors. The overall lore has been noticeably diluted and simplified, often going against the deep, interconnected, multi-game storytelling that has so successfully captivated fans over the years.

Even more alarmingly, the fourth entry introduces fresh elements and il-fitting themes that comes across as oddly disconnected from the core, established lore of the overall franchise. The player character acquiring Lilith's blood, for example, is disappointingly under-developed, and leads to little beyond some convenient plot devices. The soulstone plot line is another glaring example, as it ultimately leads to very little in regards to finally stopping Lilith and is instead used on Mephisto at the last hurdle.

Overall, while still fun and imaginative, Diablo IV's storytelling is noticeably weaker and inconsistent than its predecessors. For longtime fans, discovering the basic nature of the plot the hard way has led to plentiful discontentment.

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Diablo 4
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