10 Ways Far Cry 5 Will Save The Franchise

9. The World Reacts To Your Actions

far cry 5

While there's certainly a lot to interact and engage with in the sandboxes of the Far Cry franchise, you never get the sense that you're actually changing - or living in - the landscape itself.

Far Cry 5 is attempting to shift that perception, making Hope County a place you can actually impact directly. Instead of your actions happening in a vacuum, clearing out settlements, bringing down tyrants and helping out civilians all shape the way people interact with you, the resources at your disposal, and even the look of an area itself.

Say you clear out an enemy outpost, eventually it will come to be reoccupied with friendly communities and civilians who can offer you help on your journey, be it in the form of new companions, weapons, or even just a safe zone you can pass through without worrying about being shot at.

It's a small change that doesn't fundamentally alter anything from a mechanical perspective, but it acts a huge step towards making the setting a place worth caring about.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3