10 Ways The Gaming Industry Can Further Engage The Female Audience

1. Listen To The Female Gaming Journalists

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rBUjKlR5kr0 Both consumers and makers of video games like to ignore the persistent articles being published on websites like Kotaku that feature female writers complaining about sexism within video games. A common argument against these writers is that games shouldn't focus so heavily on gender politics at the sake of a good game being made. That sentiment makes plenty of sense, as a good game is vastly more important than trying desperately to make everyone happy, but that doesn't discount the value to be gained from female journalists who aren't afraid to speak up when a game like Grand Theft Auto shatters game records without providing any female characters that are less than offensive. Rather than complaining at each other, all parties could benefit greatly from acknowledging the uncomfortable criticism and making strides to address it. That doesn't mean we have to advocate for men and women being completely the same across the board. The genders are and always will be inherently different. But that doesn't mean we don't also have more in common than initially realised.
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Jon is the author of the Pixar Theory, the narrative that combines all of the Pixar movies in one timeline. You can read more about his random nonsense on jonnegroni.com