10 Ways The Gaming Industry Can Further Engage The Female Audience

7. Find Out What Women Truly Want

If video games truly want to appeal to a wider base, they need to do better focus testing on their key demographic. The first step is to find out what makes female gamers unique from men. Games that are targeted specifically to females, aside from cheap cash grabs like Barbie and cooking games, don't truly exist yet. This is because the industry needs to make a more concerted effort toward cherishing what makes men and women different alongside what they find in common. In other words, it's OK for a game to be "for women" for the same reason another game is "for men." Said game can still be enjoyed by both genders while still making the targeted gamer feel like a game tackles what they truly want. Games don't have to appeal to everyone, hence we have genres. For the same reason you should make a driving game that appeals to people who like cars, we're ready for games that are built to appeal to women of different ages and preferences.
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Jon is the author of the Pixar Theory, the narrative that combines all of the Pixar movies in one timeline. You can read more about his random nonsense on jonnegroni.com