10 Ways The Gaming Industry Can Further Engage The Female Audience

6. Let Women Handle Some Of The Marketing

An often overlooked corner of the video game publishing world is the marketing and promotion department. In recent years, it's become far more commonplace to find online advertisements for video games on popular websites that are read by, yes, men and women. If the gaming industry wants to make women feel more included, then it stands to reason that we should give women more control of the marketing. By letting women craft promotional copy and insights on media buys, you are essentially making the voice of your game, i.e. how it is perceived, more well-rounded. A lot of this work is done by target research, focus groups and previous testing that has provided a great financial return. To find more broad success, however, video game companies would benefit greatly from letting more women craft the message for why a particular game should be loved by any given group of gamers, no matter what their gender happens to be.
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Jon is the author of the Pixar Theory, the narrative that combines all of the Pixar movies in one timeline. You can read more about his random nonsense on jonnegroni.com