10 Ways God Of War 4 Is Already The Best In Years

7. The Father-Son Mechanics Won’t Just Affect Combat

God of war boy

What sort of a father would Kratos be if he only used his son as a living weapon?

This might be the kind of parenting we’d expect from the demigod of old, but like we said before, the angry cueball has turned over a new leaf and is a now a responsible mentor of sorts.

The ‘Son Do This’ button that Sony has promised us is bound to come in handy when a mythical beast is attempting to chew Kratos’s leg off, enabling players to create a child-shaped diversion and turn the tables on their foe - but there will be other uses.

The plucky youngster will also assist with traversal, exploration, and puzzle-solving as players assume passive control by hitting that dedicated button. Let’s just hope he’s handier in these situations than he is with that bow and arrow...


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