10 Ways Grand Theft Auto Lied To Us

3. The GTA V Map Is Bigger Than Red Dead Redemption / GTA IV Combined

This, inevitably and unfortunately, comes down to a matter of perspective and scale. It may be true that Grand Theft Auto V has more square miles than Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, but when those square miles are comparatively much smaller, the comparison becomes entirely moot. Far be it for us to condemn any video game environment based on a metric as pathetically irrelevant as size, however. It is wonderful that games of this scale exist at all, and space is pointless unless it is filled with the bubbling cosmic soup of content. To many people, it is extremely important though. They feel they need space to express themselves, to discover and to explore, that is what is most important to them in a sandbox title. It is also apparent that games do not have to follow the rules of reality, even when produced by the same company and ostensibly in the same universe. Those limitations simply do not apply, so Red Dead Redemption can take place in an in-world bigger area, but actually be significantly smaller when compared to Grand Theft Auto V. The point is, it's almost impossible to tell which title is actually bigger, which map fits into which other map and whether it's fifty or one hundred times bigger than Skyrim because distance is a flexible concept in video games and not the constant it is in our world. Further compounding the problem is the ability in Grand Theft Auto V to measure distance using waypoints and your in game satnav. Rumour has it that the miles and kilometers represented in the game are significantly shorter than in an equally measured reality. It's enough to make your head hurt.

A Video Game Writer and Editor based in Central London, who has a background in Theatrical Lighting, Directing and Playwriting.