10 Ways Hideo Kojima Should Have Made Metal Gear Solid 5: Phantom Pain

1. Bring Back Solid Snake For The Ultimate Ending Scene

metal gear solid snake

We all thought it was going to happen, and you have to believe Kojima and co. had it in mind at one point too; the return of David Hayter after all the Kiefer Sutherland nonsense, and one last look at Solid Snake for the fans.

The stage was already set in the game's final cutscene. We'd seen Mother Base become Outer Heaven as the whole 'dual Bosses' thing played out; Venom was righteously annoyed, and is last seen walking out his main equipment room to set up shop and await the Snake that was sent to kill him.

So picture it: We know Snake enters Outer Heaven from the sea - we've seen as much in the MSX original, and it was already mimicked in MGS 1/Twin Snakes. Again, you have that scene of Snake swimming through the water, you have the score rising underneath him as all the memories of those early games come flooding back. A much younger, greener Solid Snake climbs out the water, removes his breathing equipment and looks straight at the camera. He says - in David Hayter's voice - "Kept you waiting, huh?"

Cut to black:

"Thank you for playing,Metal Gear Solid, 1987-2015"

That, is how this all should have ended.

What do you think? Would you change anything else, and what do you think of my suggestions? Let me know in the comments below!

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