10 Ways Hideo Kojima Should Have Made Metal Gear Solid 5: Phantom Pain

5. What Happened To Ocelot?

metal gear solid v 5 ocelot

Personally I didn't have a huge problem with Ocelot changing tact and ostensibly being a far nicer, more approachable and less conniving presence than the other games, but I chalked it up to him forever switching sides, playing multiple people off against each other at once. Y'know, the whole 'final credits, epilogue conversation that reveals true intentions' switcheroo.

I assumed there was going to be some big twist later in the game that would once again shatter his allegiances, but the version we got was a helper character. Nothing more, nothing less.

In a new interview with Metal Gear Informer, voice actor Troy Baker opened up about this, saying Kojima would get very stern-faced in the recording booth if Baker slipped into any persona reminiscent of the older performances from Patric Zimmerman and Josh Keaton.

At some point you have to draw a line under it all as a writer and determine if you're venturing so far away from a given character, that it isn't really be that personality anymore.

Why, when you've got Miller already on-hand and set up as a helper, wasn't he the more easy-going guy, which would've left Ocelot as a financial benefactor who was necessary to running Mother Base, but who nobody really trusted?

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