10 Ways Hideo Kojima Should Have Made Metal Gear Solid 5: Phantom Pain

4. Modifiers When Replaying Missions

metal gear phantom pain vehicle

One of the sad facts of life is that we may never see another Metal Gear, and it's not that we need more original story necessarily, but we'll never get more levels and environments to use Phantom Pain's exquisite game engine on.

Seriously, the gameplay loop of Poké-managing your troops, clearing outposts, watching cutscenes, collecting weapons and items, drinking in the story - I put 300 hours into it overall, and I still want more. Thing is - they hinted at a way to give it to us.

Optional modifiers pop up towards the close of the game, where suddenly - like Peace Walker - you're forced to replay levels with different parameters attached such as taking more damage or, my favourite, the 'Subsistence' variant. These forced you to procure all items and weapons on-site, really showing off just how elegant and effective the stealth in MGS V truly is.

It gave the two or three missions you could play in this mode a whole new feel and lease of life, and is something that should've been available for the entire game. Yes, you can strip down Snake's equipment and send him in with almost nothing, but you'll still have a few items, and it doesn't have the same effect.

We should've had a bank of modifiers available on game's end, just for the sake of providing an excuse to re-run some already-spectacular levels with a new challenge.

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