10 Ways Nintendo Dropped The Ball At E3 2018

5. Dark Souls STILL Has No Firm Release Date

Metroid Prime 4

Dark Souls has already been released as a Remastered edition for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. So it's a bit of a surprise to find that there's been no confirmation on the Switch release date - especially not during the week when all eyes are focused on E3, even mainstream news sources.

What's more disturbing for Dark Souls fans is the fact the amiibo release date hasn't been confirmed yet either. So there's no chance to lovingly admire the Solaire of Astora figure while you wait for the game itself. The only thing Nintendo fans know is that Summer 2018 is the pencilled-in date for it. Especially stinging when the Splatoon 2 Octo Expansion had the same date only to be surprise-released during E3.

Older Nintendo fans can comfort themselves with the fact Wolfenstein II is coming at the end of June but with no definitive reason given for the delay, the wait is ever-frustrating. Unless we're about to find out about a surprise amiibo boss range featuring Sif and Ornstein and Smough, Nintendo need to clarify when Dark Souls drops, and fast.

Bizarrely enough, Amazon UK has put "1 Jan. 2030" as a placeholder date. Someone's having a laugh at From Software and Nintendo's expense. It's not clever and it's not pretty.

Dark Souls could be to Switch what Castlevania was to the NES. What's not to like?


Bryan Langley’s first console was the Super Nintendo and he hasn’t stopped using his opposable thumbs since. He is based in Bristol, UK and is still searchin' for them glory days he never had.