10 Ways Nintendo Dropped The Ball At E3 2018

4. GTA V Is Not Coming To Switch (Yet)

Metroid Prime 4

L.A. Noire got a good number of Switch fans excited when it launched. Along with Skyrim and Doom, it seemed to prove the Switch could handle big, open-world and graphically demanding games despite being such a compact system. Some dared to dream that a GTA V port would eventually be shown by either Nintendo or Rockstar because of the very existence of L.A. Noire and the lack of news (back then) on Red Dead Redemption II.

Others pondered at the sheer size of the game. If theoretical GTA V on Switch included Online, how would the system cater for the on-going updates that keep players coming back? There's already a sizeable download to get L.A. Noire up and running at 13GB with the cart, and if bought on eShop, the whole thing comes to a monster 28GB - enough to exceed the 32GB internal storage on the Switch after the OS is accounted for.

So we come back around to the same question. Is GTA V even possible on Switch? If so, how?

This is the game that is still bothering video game charts five full years after its release. Forget being bigger than Jesus: GTA V is bigger than the Mario Bros. themselves.

Even a cut-down, non-online, local co-op multiplayer game would suit the Switch. For Nintendo to make no mention of even the chance of it coming to Switch is absolute madness.


Bryan Langley’s first console was the Super Nintendo and he hasn’t stopped using his opposable thumbs since. He is based in Bristol, UK and is still searchin' for them glory days he never had.