10 Ways Playing Video Games Makes You Better at Life

10. They Encourage Lateral Thinking

One of the most important life skills I think it€™s possible to learn is the ability to think laterally. Thinking laterally is to basically think sideways; to think your way around an obstacle. Thinking laterally is a must if you€™re playing video games €“ €œhere is a locked door that I can€™t get through, but my objective is inside. How do I get in?€ Any video game regularly challenges a player€™s ability to think laterally in order to progress the narrative, and through regular exposure to this kind of challenge, the player€™s ability to do so is strengthened. The next puzzle might take only a fraction of the time. There are puzzles like this in real life. And you can use the skills you€™ve gained thinking laterally while playing video games €“ €œhere is a difficult profession that I can€™t get into, but my goal is to earn a living from said profession. How do I get in?€
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Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.