10 Ways Playing Video Games Makes You Better at Life

9. They Develop Your Decision-Making Skills

Our choices define us, they make us who we are and what we€™ll become. In fiction, they say the true measure of a character is in the decisions they make during crisis. And the same can be said about you and I. Games nowadays often force you into making decisions, and often rapidly, based on sensory information such as sight and sound. Do I give this response, or the other one? Do I take this course of action, or that one? Do I go right, or left? Games will often change too depending on your decisions, so even while they€™re strengthening your ability to act, they€™re illustrating the consequences of those acts. So any platform that forces you to make choices regularly - from your character€™s alignment down to the way you yourself play, the weapons you€™ll use or the techniques you€™ll deploy €“ is surely to be readying you for the time when you€™ve got to make that tough call in reality.
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Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.