10 Ways Red Dead Redemption 2 Will Be Infinitely Better Than GTA V

1. An Emotionally-Engaging Story

red dead redemption john's death

THIS is where GTA V definitely faltered: failing to offer a story that players could truly get invested in. The tone for the game certainly wasn't of the Last Of Us variety, but it simply didn't offer enough within the plot to keep players hooked outside of the fun gameplay and sharp writing. RDR offered a thoroughly-engaging plot, with a conclusion that was absolutely bitter, and an epilogue that was amazingly sweet.

Red Dead ensured that each part of the story had plenty of twists and turns in which you felt just as John felt. The emotion and depth packed into the story were through the game's challenging themes and multi-layered characters, each with their own struggles and desires.

Moments like Dutch's monologue, John reuniting with his family, Ross angering players whenever he speaks; all moments in which the player had a strong reaction because of how the game engaged them.

Hopefully, regardless of whether the story is new or a prequel to Redemption, let's hope that Rockstar ensures that the emotional side of RDR doesn't leave its sequel. Who knows, maybe there'll be a happy ending this time?


What do you hope to see in the sequel to Red Dead Redemption? Let us know in the comments!


Gamer, movie lover, life-long supporter of Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man and Ben Affleck's Batman, you know the rest.