10 Ways Red Dead Redemption 2 Will Be Infinitely Better Than GTA V

3. Memorable Villains

Red Dead Redemption
Rockstar Games

As unlikable as Devin Weston and Steve Haines were, they were NOTHING compared to the pure hatred players felt towards Edgar Ross. There was simply no comparison, as the man who holds John's family hostage for most of the game is undoubtedly pure evil.

His boastful and cruel nature is felt with every interaction, and the hatred felt by players only increases with every line of dialogue. John's former gang members are notably good too, with Dutch van der Linde establishing a three-dimensional character in the span of four missions. When comparing these two with GTA's antagonists, there's no contest.

Depending on if Rockstar chooses a prequel or a completely new story, some additional background information could be given to further the characters of Ross and Dutch as we see their past selves. If it's a new story, RDR2 could have a conflicting villain, much like Dutch, who has both good and bad in him. Either way, Rockstar will surely not disappoint.


Gamer, movie lover, life-long supporter of Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man and Ben Affleck's Batman, you know the rest.