10 Ways Rockstar Should Make Red Dead Redemption 2

6. Far More In-Depth Heists Than GTA V

Gta V Heist

Something of a sour note in the main story, GTA V's campaigns were the main "new feature" for the game - outside of each characters' individual "superpowers" - yet they felt especially lacking when it came to the planning stage.

Yes, you could choose between a few random NPCs to join up or decide where your getaway car might go (though why wouldn't it just be right next to where the robbery is going to happen?), but overall, Heists wouldn't come into their own until GTA Online implemented the feature many months later.

In RDR 2 we can assume heists are included as a specific gameplay feature, being we see the Van de Linde gang preparing to rob and fight upon a train, alongside blowing a series of bank vault lockboxes.

To that end, let us plan every facet of any given heist: Deciding to use dynamite and risking a quicker and more intense response from the law, whether to enlist the help of some upstart gang who may or may not betray you along the way - even hand-picking specific weapons and horses for each crew member to ensure they stand a chance when the shooting starts.

All of this would line up with the leaked details describing how the game's main progression is going place to place, town to town, outrunning the law and accruing wealth to stay alive - thereby nigh-on confirming that heists are in the game.

Here's hoping they're suitably enjoyable and in-depth this time.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

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