10 Ways Rockstar Should Make Red Dead Redemption 2

5. Mount Stagecoaches & Trains While On Horseback

Red Dead Redemption

Though it appeared in an early screenshot for Red Dead Redemption, leaping from horse to stagecoach was removed in the final game.

Now, if we're going to be playing as some rootin' tootin' badass outlaw roaming the lands and stealing stagecoaches left, right and centre, we need an upgrade to our basic array of horseback abilities.

Mainly, let's ride up alongside stagecoaches and deftly leap on top, delivering a few swift haymakers or kicks to the requisite drivers to take them for ourselves. it might all be a bit Sleeping Dogs or Vin Diesel's The Wheelman, but being it was once on the cards over at Rockstar HQ, let's see it put in the game.

If train robberies are indeed as prevalent across Red Dead 2 as they seem in the trailer, we can't simply be leaping onto them at specific bridges - instead let's assemble a gang from our heist menu and tear off across the plains, group hi-jacking one of the carriages and Uncharted 2'ing our way to the treasure.

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