10 Ways Rocksteady Could Make The Perfect Superman Video Game

6. Epic Boss Fights

Superman marvel vs dc
DC Comics

Rocksteady has been pretty hit or miss when it comes to boss battles. While they've created some particularly memorable ones over the years such as the Mr. Freeze fight in Arkham City, there have been just as many that were as terrible as Asylum's 'roided Joker abomination.

While Batman could sort of get away with it though, a Superman game would demand nothing short of epic boss battles for its villains. Regular combat would no doubt be enjoyable considering the developer's history, but if the studio aren't able to capture the spectacle of Superman's abilities through boss battles, then it simply won't be doing the character justice.

Say what you will about Zack Snyder's take on the superhero, but his action scenes so far have been breathtaking. As strange as it sounds, Rocksteady should look at his work for inspiration and attempt to create similarly frenetic and visceral battles between Supes and his powerful rogues' gallery.

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3