10 Ways The PS4 Has Systematically Destroyed The Xbox One

8. Knowing WTF Their System Is, And Who It's For

Xbox one kinect

For years leading up to - and during - the Xbox One's launch, Microsoft were determined to 'win the battle for your living room'. Clearly some executive had heard all the rumblings about digitally streaming TVs and set-top boxes being 'the next big thing', and going off how well the 360 was established, it 'made sense' (in a board room meeting-kinda way) to have the Xbox brand be a mainstay in homes around the world.

Only... that's not what Xbox was, or ever could be.

Gamers buy games consoles for games (funnily enough), not streaming apps or to build music libraries.

The notion of the Xbox One being some sort of voice-activated super-system triggering everything from your favourite films to ordering a pizza is what Amazon's Echo Dots would later perfect, but all of these features felt like extras sold to a demographic that just wanted games. After all, when one half of your biggest targeted age group are teenagers, note that they aren't supplanting their parent-dominated living rooms with Xboxes for a five hour COD session - they're in their bedrooms, wondering what to play.

Sony answered this call by prioritising games, games and more games. You'd have to try hard to find their 'Music Unlimited' service, and it was then shut down in 2015, because nobody wanted it in the first place.

Sony had to live through the 'living room gamble' themselves, but why the competition then repeated it, is beyond me.

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