10 Ways The PS4 Has Systematically Destroyed The Xbox One

7. Lining Up Multiple Exclusives

nioh william
Team Ninja

Speaking of games, Microsoft actually had the upper hand when it comes to sheer numbers - at least in those first few years. The only problem, was nobody wanted to play them.

Cultural mentalities and 'mindshare' are important things (the name given to whatever assumed narrative 'tells you' a franchise, celebrity, property etc. is positive or negative despite experiencing it/doing the research yourself), and though Microsoft released Halo 5, Gears of War 4, Sunset Overdrive and more, nobody but the staunchest Xbox-defenders were even looking their way.

Following this 'dark time' - and it was one where the PS4 had nothing to offer outside Knack and The Order: 1886 - Sony finally pulled their finger out, releasing and granting exclusivity to everything from Bloodborne to Nioh, NieR: Automata to Hotline Miami and Horizon Zero Dawn.

For all those who claim that "console wars are pointless" and that there should be a 'unified platform' going forward - that is indeed a conversation worth having, but brand loyalty also stokes the fires of creation just as much, and when a system needs to justify itself, then we see many companies' finest work.

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