10 Ways The PS4 Has Systematically Destroyed The Xbox One

5. Not Relying On Arbitrary Sequels

Gears of war 4
The Coalition

Say what you will about the actual quality of something like The Order: 1886 or No Man's Sky, at least they were potential franchise-starters, and new IPs to boot.

Yes, we've had Ratchet & Clank reboots, 'another Killzone' and Kingdom Hearts spin-offs, but just look at the amount of high-profile, original games on PS4:

Horizon Zero Dawn, Bloodborne, Until Dawn, The Last Guardian, Nioh, NieR: Automata - even World of Final Fantasy was the old-school turn-based FF fans have requested for years, releasing exclusively on PlayStation.

Over to Xbox, and what do we have? Halo 5, developed by one of Microsoft's internal teams, and Gears of War 4, protracting a story that already wrapped nicely with its original studio. Neither caught on because neither felt like they had anything to offer, and though we see that on PS4 with something like Infamous: Second Son, Sony actually learned from this and put their money where it counts going forward.

Meanwhile, outside of Quantum Break, more Forza, Cuphead and Sunset Overdrive, literally the only top-tier head-turning title in Microsoft's oven is the three-time delayed Crackdown 3.

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