8 Ways To Make An Assassin's Creed Game That Doesn't Suck
4. Pick A Protagonist And Stick With Them
Like new-kids Jacob and Evie Frye? Well say goodbye to them, because they'll most likely be gone next year, just like Connor, Edward Kenway, Adewale, Shay Cormac and Arno Dorian. Thing is, the average person on the street could probably name Desmond, Altair and Ezio (even the latter's full 'Auditore da Firenze' title, too), but as for the protagonists of AC III, Black Flag, Unity and now Syndicate - there's no chance. I'll get into the modern day stuff as a plot line in a moment, but just remember how awesome Ezio's trilogy of games were. If you're going to insist on doing a yearly model for this sort of thing, there's something utterly forgettable about first ditching the aforementioned modern stuff and removing the main thread that binds them together. We've not felt attached about any of the AC heroes since Ezio, and although Black Flag's Edward Kenway (or AC III's Haytham) were memorable, they weren't followed up or capitalised on whatsoever. Many of these guys would've benefitted from multiple instalments to really flesh their stories and motivations out, and when you think about how well Black Flag was received in the first place - it just makes that sharp left turn to ditch everything and branch into Unity all the more glaring.