10 Ways To Make The Perfect Star Wars Video Game

2. Have Truly Massive, Galaxy-Spanning Scope

Coruscant Star Wars

Within the original trilogy alone we visited: Tatooine, Yavin IV, the Death Star, Hoth, Bespin, Dagobah, the Second Death Star and Endor plus we caught a glimpse of Coruscant in the Special Editions and Mon Calamari was mentioned at least once; not to mention Corellia.

Do you see my point? There are eleven locations within the first three films alone, and way more have been added since then. We're talking about a monolithic game if we've got access to the entire galaxy, and that's exactly what fans want.

A galaxy spanning game will no doubt take a long time to produce, but are we not willing to wait?

Exploring the galaxy is exactly what we're doing when we watch the films, read the novels and play the existing titles so combine all the locations and let us roam! DLC might even be permitted if we've got a galaxy to keep us busy.

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Probably the only person ever to see all the endings of the awful Shadow the Hedgehog video game. Professional proofreader, football fanatic, lion tamer and occasional liar.