10 Ways To Save The Nintendo Switch

1. Satisfy Demand

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Did you see ANYONE with a NES Classic Mini this past Christmas? Anyone at all?


The system was purpose-built to be an impulse-bought stocking filler, but for some mind-boggling reason, Nintendo only supplied a literal handful to the majority of retailers. As such, stocks were filled and sold out instantly, and it's plain to see that for as much as the Classic was meant to be a "Hey, remember this?" injection of fuzzy childhood nostalgia, Nintendo completely missed the boat.

Now for the Switch, various outlets are reporting they're already sold out, with both GAME and Gamespot both commenting variations on, "We don't know if/when we'll have any more, but we're trying."

Thing is, it all feels intentional. Nintendo caused an intentional shortage of Wiis back in 2008 to ramp-up demand, and whilst it worked a treat back then, you can't mislead the public twice. Reggie Fils-Aime has mentioned they're prepping 2 million units for the March launch, but already pre-orders are sold out across the board. Nintendo have also stated that they'll be releasing far more units as the year goes on, but why not front-load that plan and establish yourselves as a company that can satisfy demand?

Because right now, people have as much faith in being able to buy a Nintendo system as they do Donald Trump being an eloquent public speaker.


Do Nintendo stand a chance this generation? Let us know in the comments!

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