10 Ways To Save The Nintendo Switch

9. Open Up The Back Catalogue For Monthly Subscribers

legend of zelda wind waker

This is one that just HAS to change. Right now the Wii U has zero dedicated online communities. Like, sure, there's Super Smash Bros, Splatoon and Mario Kart, but it's hardly Rocket League, Overwatch or Call of Duty, is it?

As such, the decision to start charging for their online service is a baffling one, more "Well, if everyone else is doing it..." as oppose to Nintendo recognising they have a dynamite online component. To placate the complainers, Nintendo have said that you'll get one NES or SNES game each month, but only for a month, and after that, it's gone.

O... kay.

Why not ape the PlayStation Now service and revamp everyone's Nintendo Club memberships to include unfettered access to an entire range of games? They could be console-specific for a given month, genre-specific, even focus on a specific character like Samus or Link, and showcase them for four weeks solid.

As it stands, Nintendo has zero reason to charge for their online component, especially when the store itself is a glorified in-page browser that even if you do put up with, still charges over the odds for any given game.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

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