10 Ways To Save The Nintendo Switch

5. Tone Down The 'Party Atmosphere' Marketing

Y'know what gamers want to do? Game.

You can argue that everything from Dark Souls to Super Meat Boy has the monopoly on challenge in the new age, but for everything from Super Metroid to Mega Man, Castlevania to even the harder levels of Super Mario, Nintendo helped perfect and showcase all sorts of difficulty curves over the years.

To put it simply, anyone who's grown up gaming associates Nintendo far less with this whole "gather round your friends and PARTY!" atmosphere, and far more with feverishly holding the controller at 2am as you attempt to defeat Ganon and save the world in Link to the Past.

Maybe we just have to accept that 'new Nintendo' is all in on Amiibos and motion controls, and whilst it's not that they can't serve both demographics, it's high-time Nintendo recognised precisely why people love them so much.

The PS4's whole "For the players" shtick? It applies WAY more to Nintendo, and it's not too late to recalibrate their marketing push to accommodate all the diehards.

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Gaming Editor

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